Responsible forest management

The Company embraces the requirements outlined in the international sustainability standards.

60 000  ha
Annual reforestation area
8,5 million ha
Leased timberlands area
12,6  million m3
Harvesting volume


The Company’s total harvesting area is about 60,000 hectares per year. Ilim Group performs reforestation activities in all these leased timberlands. The Company utilizes the technology of ball-rooted planting stock cultivation.
This improves the quality of reforestation due to higher survival rate of planted seedlings. Every year Ilim Group plants 6.5 million seedlings and 4 tons seeds of pine and spruce. The Company is involved in establishment of a forest nursery in Siberia with a capacity of 7 million ball-rooted seedlings.

Forest Certification

We still abide by the requirements of international forest certification standards and guarantee that the supplied products meet the following requirements:

  • timber used for product manufacturing is not sourced by illegal harvesting
  • neither traditional nor civil rights are violated during harvesting
  • no harvesting is performed on timberlands where forestry operations might compromise high conservation value forests
  • wood does not originate from highly-protected forests and does not contain endangered and CITES protected species (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
  • none of the International Labor Organization (ILO) core conventions, as defined in the ILO declaration on fundamental principles and rights in the industrial sphere, is violated during harvesting
  • during harvesting, storage, and transportation of the supplied timber, a low risk of mixing with materials of other origin is ensured

  • The declared requirements were confirmed for compliance with the international standards of forest management and controlled wood by external audits.


Ilim Group makes information on its environmental activity available to the public. That is why the Company annually publishes reports on environment and sustainable forest management

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