Social Policy
ILIM Group regards its social responsibility not merely in terms of producing high-quality products, being a conscientious taxpayer and complying with Russian legislation, but also in terms of endeavoring to support social stability in the regions of the Company’s operations and maintaining high ethical principles of business conduct.
Ilim Garant
Ilim Garant Charity Fund was founded in April 2005. The Fund currently operates as Ilim Group’s partner in implementing its social and charitable programs.
Ilim Garant has two branches: Ilim Garant East (Irkutsk Oblast, Krasnoyarsk Territory) and Ilim Garant West (Arkhangelsk Oblast, the Republic of Komi, Vologda, and Kirovsk Oblasts). The principal activities targeted at implementing and managing the Company’s external social projects are centered in those regions where the Group has its production locations. This strategy has been determined by one of the key Fund objectives: to create, through effective management of the external social projects, a favorable and socially stable environment for the Company's businesses. Resolutions to support a particular program are passed by the Fund‘s Advisory Expert Councils in each of the Branches, which include representatives of the local government authorities, members of non-profit, youth, religious and sports organizations, as well as ILIM Group’s representatives.