Packaging materials

1,035 bn tons
Production volumes, per year

Kraftliner consumer properties

Used as linerboard

High physical and mechanical properties, high load bearing capacity of stacked corrugated containerboard materials

Made of 100% pulp and suitable for food packaging

High water resistance; full compliance with GOST and ISO requirements

Fluting consumer properties

Used for internal corrugated box ply

High physical and mechanical properties, high load bearing capacity of stacked corrugated containerboard materials

Made of 100% pulp and suitable forfood packaging

High water resistance; full compliance with GOST and ISO requirements

Consumer properties of sack kraft paper

Used to manufacture sacks, bags as well as for food packaging.

Made of 100% unbleached pulp

FBL consumer properties

Used as outer layer of premium packaging with high-precision printing

Made of 100% bleached pulp

Has an increased processing speed and excellent printing properties

Kotlasliner consumer properties

Used as a two-ply corrugating medium

High physical and mechanical properties, high load bearing capacity of stacked corrugated containerboard materials

Made of 100% pulp and suitable for food packaging

High water resistance; full compliance with GOST and ISO requirements

Packaging paper process properties

Produced under А, Б, В brands with different properties

Used for laminated packaging, sacks and bags for bulk materials and water-proof paper production

Made of 100% bleached pulp and suitable for food packaging


Environmental management system is certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2004*

End products
