JSC Ilim Group discloses information in compliance with the requirements of part VII of Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 454-P of December 30, 2014 on the information disclosed by issuers of emission securities on the website: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=11159
From January 1, 2013 JSC Ilim Group also publishes information required under p.7 of art.7.1 of Federal Law No.129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” in the Unified Federal Register of Data Regarding the Activity of Legal Entities:http://www.fedresurs.ru/companies/A0C99B03DAAF08CBC5740D4046F1FEEA
Pursuant to the requirements of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No.24 of January 21, 2004 (hereinafter, the Resolution) “On approval of standards regulating information disclosure by electricity wholesalers and retailers”, JSC Ilim Group discloses the information requested in the Resolution on the website:: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/company.aspx?id=11159
Additionally, JSC Ilim Group discloses information on its website: https://www.ilimgroup.com/aktsioneram/